Back to News SEPTEMBER 2019CCBR FeatureRead moreAUGUST 20192019 ACOMM AwardsRead moreJULY 2019Mirait completes nbn Bruce Highway upgradeRead moreJUNE 2019MIRAIT Technologies Corporation (Japan) Best AwardsRead moreMAY 2019Mirait installing Land Cable Duct Route for JGA Cable ProjectRead moreAPRIL 2019Mirait achieve 100% compliance for 2019 HSEQ AuditRead moreJANUARY 2019Mirait awarded ARTC Inland Rail contract by TelstraRead moreOCTOBER 2018Mirait awarded Telstra CNI Contract ExtensionRead moreSEPTEMBER 2018Telstra Health Safety & EnvironmentRead moreAUGUST 2018ACOMM AWARDS 2018Read moreAUGUST 2018Mirait pass 2018 OFSC audit and commended by Optus in HSE auditRead moreJUNE 2018Mirait achieves record in FTTB delivery timeframe for nbnRead moreAPRIL 2018Mirait Launches FTTB Survey AppRead moreMARCH, 2018Mirait Passes nbn HSEQ Audit With Flying ColoursRead moreJANUARY, 2018The Spirit of KaizenRead moreDECEMBER, 2017Mirait Technologies Australia Awarded nbn Contract for the Fusion ProgramRead moreNOVEMBER, 2017Mirait Technical Capability Supports Upgrade Of SEA-ME-WERead moreOCTOBER, 2017Mirait in the Top 1% of Telstra SuppliersRead moreSEPTEMBER, 2017Over 100 Basements Delivered, and More To ComeRead moreAUGUST, 2017Over 30,000 Pits Remediated on behalf of TelstraRead moreMAY, 2017ACOMM Awards 2017Read moreMAY, 2017QLD Department Of Transport and Main Roads-Wavetronix Smart Sensor HDRead moreAPRIL, 2017Mirait Expansion - Newest Depot in GlendenningRead moreMARCH, 2017Mirait Recognised By TelstraRead moreFEBRUARY, 2017Mirait - Gold Sponsor of the 2017 ACOMM AwardsRead moreJANUARY, 2017The Executive Team from Mirait Technologies Australia visits global parent Mirait Technologies Corporation in TokyoRead moreDECEMBER, 2016Mirait selected by Hawaiki Cable for Terrestrial Cable Duct Route SydneyRead moreSEPTEMBER, 2016MIRAIT at Landforces 2016Read moreAUGUST, 2016MIRAIT at ACOMM AwardsRead moreJULY, 2016The ACOMM AwardsRead moreMAY, 2016MIRAIT Technologies Australia Announces $90 million Telstra contract win Read more